GK-7Plus Styrningssystem Skybasert
Styresystem som kan kobles til enhver pumpe som har pulser i seg. Les mer
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GK-7 Dieselplus kontrollsystem.
Pumpen kobles via GPRS i Pumpen til skyen og overfører all data i sanntid. Administratorer kan enkelt holde styr på drivstofflogistikken.
Via datamaskinen eller mobilen kan administratoren da følge med på hvor mye en bestemt person tanker, når de fyller, hvem som fyller drivstoff, eventuelt hvilket kjøretøy de tanker om de ønsker det. Hvor du enkelt kan få rapporter om hvilke parametere du bruker, for eksempel hvor mye en person har fylt drivstoff i løpet av en måned. GK-7 hjelper deg med drivstofflageret ditt, optimerer innkjøpene dine og kontrollerer forbruket. Du trenger ikke å bekymre deg for å gå tom for drivstoff og ikke ha tid til å fylle på. Diesel plus sender automatisk listene du trenger til din e-post og informerer deg om alarmer eller hendelser som oppstår i din installasjon.
Dette systemet kan identifiseres med enten tagger, kode eller begge deler. Det er et svært brukervennlig system hvor du kan legge til og fjerne personer i systemet direkte via datamaskinen.
Dieselplus GK-7 Styrningssystem datasheet
Se denne videoen som forklarer hvordan det fungerer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5hk9Nao17c
- Controller with an embedded GPRS modem that automatically communicates with the web site www.dieselplus.net
- Required a DieselPlus licence to get the user and password
- Automatic reception of the lists in your email
- Data consultation of your supplies, dispenser configuration from any device connect to the Internet or from the APP installed in your smartphone.
- The own consumption controller is intended for the supply control, allowing its use only to authorised personnel.
- Supply with or without litre preset
- User and/or vehicle identification through numerical code or
- iButton keys. Other identification systems available.
- Internal key for the manual starting in case of an electronics breakdown. From the software it will be detected if the kit has been started in the manual mode “fraudulently”.
- Bidirectional communication with the software which allows to configure, create users and vehicles
- Different systems for the data base integration with your own software, ERP or accounting system
- Voltage: 110 or 230 VAC 50 Hz or 12/24 VDC · Built-in filter
- Frontal: alphanumeric LCD Display of 4 lines and 20 characters
- Identification key reader
- Service temperature: 0 to 40 ºC
- Relative air humidity: among 20 and 80 %
The kit allows to define different stages to be adjusted to the customer’s requirements:
- User identification: It is specially useful for identifying only who is supplying.
- Vehicle identification: It is specially useful for identifying and controlling the vehicles and their consumption, without identifying the users.
- User and vehicle identification: it is the most complete system offering a high level of security. It is specially useful for installations with a high number of users and/or vehicles, or where the users often change the vehicle.
The supply kit with GK-7Plus controls:
- the supply hour and date
- the users
- the vehicles
- the supplied litres by users and/or vehicles
- the kilometres (milles) (or hours) and the consumption
- litre stock of the tank
The query and configuration operations can be made from the PC, and it is possible
- to input and delete the users and/or vehicles
- to assign or change the codes or keys of the users and/or vehicles
- to calibrate the kit
- to check the done supplies
- to check and regularise the tank stock
- to export the information to an Excel or .txt (text) format in order to export it to other data base systems or programs;
- to access the information control with permissions for different user profiles.